on tuesdays i wake up a little before 5am to work the morning shift at homer's. tim andersen used to work this shift and when he left, i offered to help out. it's the only day i'm scheduled to work before sunrise. i don't mind because it keeps my week from being too predictable. i don't usually encounter other pedestrians that early... but when i do, i try not to think of them as flesh eating zombies. the
omega man or
night of the comet feeling (that i could meet the undead) reminds me of another pre-dawn job i had years ago, delivering doughnuts for a local pastry shop. back then my alarm went off around 4am, and i drove a red van full of doughnuts to gas stations, break rooms, and grocery stores in the greater KC area. the folks i saw then looked red around the eyes and didn't say much, but they posed no immediate danger to me. the people that ran the doughnut shop paid me five dollars an hour plus all the doughnuts and coffee i could consume. when i found out they worked all night i asked "when do you sleep?" and they answered "same time the vampires do... during the day." again, there was no threat, but i could never be sure. the only serene thing about that job was driving to the beat of an old rock station, and watching the pastel colored sunrises and knowing that once the sun rose, i was safe.
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