Jumat, 15 Oktober 2010

Old Slang and Blank Stares

"when a mocha comes along, you must whip it"
"no time for love dr. jones!"
"i can't tell you what's in the forbidden fruit smoothie"

...these are just a few things i've said to customers over the last 6 years at homer's. if the customer is close to my age (44) and has the same pop culture background, i might get a smile out of them... but if it's someone under 30, they just look at me funny. yesterday i quoted some obscure line in a movie to kyle as his shift was ending and mine was starting. the look on his face made me feel like i was quoting an ancient proverb. then i said something like "i should stop making references to old movies like this" and he said, "no dave, don't stop." and i believe he was serious. oh, and if you are remotely interested in where those three quotes came from, just leave a comment and i'll get back to you. if you don't care, i'm not surprised.

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