Senin, 20 Juni 2011

Reluctant Monday

i know my reluctance to get out of bed at the beginning of the work week is part of a greater collective. alot of customers that i see between 8:30am and 6pm rely on caffeine to start the day and the week. we get up when we have to, we hide out when we can. segue. hiding out is a lesser known 80s movie in which jon cryer pretends to be a high school student to avoid a mob hit. to avoid detection, cryer changes his appearance and his name. cryer's alias is borrowed from a coffee can that he sees in the principal's office. was it A) hill's bros.? B) sanka? C) maxwell house? if you're the first customer with the right answer for a barista, you get a free drink today! everyone else gets double drink card punches for trying.

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