Selasa, 31 Januari 2012

January's Warm Exit

i can't remember when more customers and baristas have talked about what a warm winter this has been. thanks kristen for being a hat model, and thanks carol for being a hat maker!

Jumat, 27 Januari 2012

Wail on With Wailin' Wall

come wail at homer's tonight with the band wailin' wall! we had a good practice last night (your humble blogger is in the band btw), we're pretty sure you'll enjoy the show. the music starts at 7:30.

Kamis, 26 Januari 2012

Cotton Candy Sunset

this was how the sunset looked outside of homer's last night. someone else's camera might have taken a better pic, but i didn't let that stop me. you never know what you'll see when you look up.

Rabu, 25 Januari 2012

Happy Birthday Mary!

it's mary rowlands' birthday today! mary has been on the homer's staff longer than i have. at last count there were 37 birthday wishes on her facebook wall. if you see mary today, you know what to say, "happy birthday mary!"

Senin, 23 Januari 2012

A Good Pour

usually i don't make drinks that would win in a barista competition, but last week was an exception. if i keep making mesmerizing latté art like this, i could hypnotize some judges.

Jumat, 20 Januari 2012

Happy Birthday Glenn!

hey if we can wish jack london a happy birthday, we can do the same thing for glenn. just in case you don't know glenn and vanessa manage homer's. they schedule, stock, pay bills, run faster than steaming locomotives, and leap tall buildings in a single bound. if you see glenn wish him a happy birthday. don't forget everyone who tells a barista what they read on the blog gets double punches toward a free drink!

Kamis, 19 Januari 2012

The Blind Drawing The Blind

sometimes i forget that homer's is a place that inspires creativity. one morning kelly and i did blind contour drawings of each other. i hadn't done this type of exercise since college. speaking of inspired creativity, danny williams showed me some cool stuff he can play on his ipad last tuesday. remember to tell a barista that you read the blog and get double punches toward a free drink! it's that easy.

Selasa, 17 Januari 2012

Carol's Hats

carol is a regular customer at homer's. we must be doing something right because she crocheted a bunch of hats for the baristas as a christmas gift-- and then she made more! thanks carol!

Jumat, 13 Januari 2012

I'll Have the Sinatra

this was up for a couple of hours before customers started asking "i'll have a small cup of the sinatra, what's in that anyway?" and i answered "i have to be frank, but i'll tell you." it kinda reminded me of the tiny elvis skit on SNL.

Kamis, 12 Januari 2012

Happy Birthday Jack London

jack london is probably the only writer who could make me trade the comforts of central air and electricity for sled dogs and campfire coffee... that's how i felt after reading call of the wild. don't forget: double punches toward a free drink just for reading the blog!

Selasa, 10 Januari 2012

Groceries and Tetris

it's no secret that alot of homer's shopping is done at sam's. when i was filling up my jeep full of groceries yesterday, it reminded me of playing the old video game tetris. there's a certain satisfaction gained when everything fits just right.

Senin, 09 Januari 2012

Kyle Heads East

last friday was my last shift with kyle patnode. he's going to school in indiana. one of the things he's taking with him is this necklace he made from a bead shop up the street, and one of the things he left behind was a coffee ground man (with finishing touches by laura clark)...

...and after our shift was over we went to first fridays to make random electronic noises on 18th street a couple of doors down from YJ's snack bar. remember to tell a homer's barista what you read here and you can get double punches toward a free drink!

Sabtu, 07 Januari 2012

Two Girls & One Big Coffee Mug

mallory and lizzie made a bet with glenn (the manager) about how many ounces of coffee could fill the BIG coffee mug. i can't remember the specifics or how many hundreds of ounces glenn was able to get in the thing, i just remember that he gave them a cookie and i took their picture. remember to tell a barista that you read the blog, and you can get double punches toward a free drink.

Jumat, 06 Januari 2012

Make Yourself at Homers 4

last october we started make yourself at homer's, a simple photo series of regular customers. when they walk in the door and say "i'll have the usual," we know what it is. today features jon starcke. jon is a fan of the homer's house blend. he loves it so much he wrote a crazy review about it on my other blog. now don't forget all you good people get double punches toward a free drink just for reading this... this is how you do it.

Kamis, 05 Januari 2012

Last Shift With Lois

i get to work with lois one more time today before she goes back to school. she really helped homer's out during her christmas break. just in case you're wondering, she's immortalizing an awesome latté in the pic above. yep, we'll miss her.

Selasa, 03 Januari 2012

A Robot and a Flower

kelly & i opened at homer's like usual on tuesdays, and found a note from kristen taped to the cold press coffee. we had just been discussing pixel art, and what subjects we should attempt. now we know it's supposed to be a robot and a flower. thanks kristen!

Senin, 02 Januari 2012

Evolution of Coffee

i know more coffee drinkers than non coffee drinkers, and almost all of them require it as soon as they wake up. i imagine the first coffee drinkers were making java hieroglyphics on a cave wall somewhere, and the art form that evolved from following generations has taken on more shapes than i can recall. as we start a new year, i can't resist the urge to go back in time... even on my other blog. cheers.