Selasa, 29 November 2011

Cold Temps, Hot Drinks

it's cold outside. i know because i walked home last night, and i plan to walk to homer's in a few minutes. thankfully there doesn't appear to be any wind. when it gets cold like this, i know more people will congregate at homer's for warmth and hot drinks. hopefully you will be one of them. cheers.

Jumat, 25 November 2011

Black Friday With Brent Lee

i realize that no one is reading this because everyone is shopping at the moment, but when you all come back with those awesome gift purchases, hopefully you'll stop by homer's for live entertainment. tonight it's brent lee. tomorrow night, wailin' wall. the music starts at 7:30.

Selasa, 22 November 2011

Coffee & Rain

lennon & mccartney, martin & lewis, lieber and stoller, coffee & rain. see you at homers.

Senin, 21 November 2011

Position and Composition

when danny stacked these cups last week, i realized it would be a disservice to him (and you) NOT to post a pic on the blog... so here it is. if you want to see a picture of danny taking a picture of this, you can go to my blog.

Sabtu, 19 November 2011

Sky Blue For You

jim, wes, bob, and theresa are playing at homer's tonight. if you haven't heard sky blue before, make tonight count. come early if you like good music, come earlier if you want a good seat.

Selasa, 15 November 2011

Danny Lark Lemon

danny williams can spin anything on one finger: trays, basketballs, tennis balls, coffee tables... the man has talent. and now we have it on video for future generations who will probably ask "is that what people did for fun back in the old days grandpa?"

Senin, 14 November 2011

Make Yourself at Homers 3

"i'll meet you at homer's" must be something that is said ALOT between friends, because it happens all the time. one of those times it was kinda cold outside, so i was surprised to see two opposite types of footwear. one of the women had just come from getting a pedicure, and the other one (paige) was dressed for the weather. they could have been felix and oscar.

Sabtu, 12 November 2011

Songbirds in the Round

the music flier taped to the door at homers features songbirds. nadia thomas and elsa rae will play guitar backed "folk rock tales" and sing about the "joy and heartbreak that for better or worse, are reality." they start at 7:30 tonight, don't miss it!

Jumat, 11 November 2011

Music by Ronni Ward Tonight

never heard ronni ward before? where have you been? ronni has kept hands clapping and toes tapping at homer's over the years, and tonight she's doing it again starting at 7:30. so show up early, and show up thirsty.

Kamis, 10 November 2011

Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald

the ss edmund fitzgerald was a freighter that became the stuff of legend after it sank on this day in 1975. if it hadn't been for gordon lightfoot's song, and the radio stations that played it, i wouldn't know its story. gordon lightfoot wrote other songs i never heard because they were eclipsed by his hits. i had to dig to find this.

Selasa, 08 November 2011


today is hermann rorschach's birthday. he was a swiss freudian psychiatrist best known for creating the inkblot test aka the rorshach test to examine personality characteristics. kinda makes me wonder what diagnosis he would make for baristas who create this stuff on a daily basis.

Jumat, 04 November 2011

James Thomas Live

friday night at homer's means LIVE MUSIC! and tonight it's coming from james thomas. if you're wondering what kind of music he plays, check out the mp3's on his website. he also lists Butch Walker, Starfield, Leeland, Feeder, Switchfoot, Guster, and Elliott Smith for a few influences.

Rabu, 02 November 2011

Who Is This Guy?

this pic was found recently at homer's. the only thing on the back is the number 43. this guy looks familiar but no one knows who it is. do you? is it you? any information that unlocks this mystery will result in a free drink, or at least extra punches on a free drink card. we now pass the burden of identification on to you, dear reader.

Selasa, 01 November 2011


one of our regular patrons (and his wife) brought a trick or treater during the midday shift yesterday. i recognized the costume from a video game: toad from mario bros. apparently toad is a citizen of the mushroom kingdom, and a loyal attendant to princess peach. i forgot to ask the dog's name.