Kamis, 29 September 2011

Who Reads the Blog?

phil and i were brainstorming about the homer's blog and how to attract readers when we came up with the song below. it reminded me of another time that i tapped into the weirdness of oz.

no one reads the blog by david cedillo jr. and phil hall

Ready For Autumn

one of these images currently resides at homer's, another one can be seen here, and another one is forever tattooed on most of our brains. who else is ready for cooler temps, falling leaves, and free candy?

Rabu, 28 September 2011

Fleming to Fudge Brownies

if you've ever played six degrees of kevin bacon, you'll have a firm grasp of this blog entry. we'll start with something significant... oh say... something that happened on this date, and connect the dots to homer's coffeehouse (or just coffee). did you know that on THIS day in 1928, alexander fleming discovered penicillin? coincidentally, alexander fleming has the same surname as ian fleming, and when ian fleming wasn't writing james bond books, he wrote a children's story called chitty chitty bang bang. apparently there is a secret recipe for "famous french fudge" in the last chapter of that book (which i can't find). homer's doesn't have that secret recipe, but we DO have espress fudge brownies.

Selasa, 27 September 2011

Spreading the Word

as i close in on the one year mark of being blogmaster general here at homer's (my first blog entry was october 9, 2010), i'll debut a flier that should draw people's attention. honk if you love coffee.

Happy Birthday

homer's turned ten yesterday. the actual celebration will take place october 15 with a host of bands that have played at homer's in the last 10 years.

Rabu, 21 September 2011

The Kids Are Alright

i started working at homer's 7 years ago, and now i have an extended family as a result. the first generation of "homer's kids" i adopted (some say they adopted me) have grown up, but yesterday two of them came back to visit. mike and shandi sayre met at homer's, married, and had kids of their own. if you play the song above, you'll know how jenny and i feel about our "kids." on a somewhat similar note, tom waits will release a new collection of songs in a few weeks. you can see/hear a sneak preview here.

Senin, 19 September 2011

Return of the Fog

it was good to see the fog transform houses on my street to european cottages this morning. i know this magical haze will probably be gone by the time both of you read this (you know who you are), that's why i wanted to preserve the moment. oh yeah, i've blogged about the fog before.

Sabtu, 17 September 2011

Back to the Chalkboard

here's another fine piece of work by phil hall. it was inspired by the lion king in 3D that opened in theaters nationwide last night. phil's artwork will remain up until somebody erases it. the lion may sleep tonight, but the coffee king will sleep when he's dead.

Jumat, 16 September 2011

Mexico's Independence Day

today is independence day in mexico! and the good news is you don't have to cross the rio grande to be a part of the festivities. homer's is celebrating with double drink card punches to everyone who orders a mexican mocha today! olé!

Kamis, 15 September 2011

Winkler, Party of Four

congratulations to the winklers on the arrival of little roseanne abigail (just 2 days old)! the boy/girl ratio is evenly balanced now.

Senin, 12 September 2011

Chalk It Up to Phil

this pic was drawn by phil hall. when i asked him about it during our shift on monday, he took full responsibility. you can listen the soundcloud clip below to hear his explanation.
chalkboard art by phil hall

The Blank Out Fix

man... sometimes i draw a serious blank when i try to make a "coffee" related entry on this blog. and then i realize... I NEED MORE COFFEE! scientific studies show that drinking coffee stimulates synaptic connections in the brain. also want to remind everyone that homer's is celebrating 10 years by having a BIG music shindig october 15!

Jumat, 09 September 2011

Dig Coffee Grounds

i play music with chris mull at homer's from time to time. we call ourselves the subs. we have a list of songs on reverbnation.com. occasionally someone will stumble upon our list, and say something nice. yesterday i got an email from ryan lovato in sedona, arizona that read, "Hey just want to say great music man." of course i was curious to hear ryan's music (reverbnation fans are usually other musicians). the clip below is from a song on ryan's page.

coffee grounds by ryan lovato

Kamis, 08 September 2011

Weird and Wonderful Things

darkroastedblend.com is a website i found last march when i was looking for retro future space images to put on my other blog. i didn't realize it the first time i was there, but on their about page it says, "all espresso-lovers & coffee shop dwellers unite!" how cool is that?

Selasa, 06 September 2011

Cool Enough

it was finally cool enough to light a fire inside the chimenea last night. come to think of it, i wore a jacket to work yesterday morning! summer's stifling heat and humidity is receding like a middle aged hairline! roll down the windows everybody!

Senin, 05 September 2011

Labor Day Workers

phil and kelly opened homer's this morning, ashley and i will take over at 1pm and close the shop early at 6pm. clocking in 2 hours later than normal is a labor day perk. how did you celebrate labor day weekend? back in 1882 american workers celebrated the first labor day by taking the day off and having a picnic.

Jumat, 02 September 2011

The Perfect Blend

dan vogler and matt hawkins will be playing americoustic tunes at homer's tonight! the perfect blend of americana and acoustic music begins at 7:30. don't miss it!

Kamis, 01 September 2011

From Berry to Berry

still wondering who that guy was on yesterday's post? fred berry starred as "rerun" on the 70's tv sitcom, what's happening!! fred berry was born in st. louis, which is also home for rock n' roll pioneer chuck berry. i know what you're thinking now... "what do these berries (or any other berries) have in common with homer's or coffee?" don't worry, you're not alone.