Rabu, 31 Agustus 2011

Everything Old is New Again

this is just a litmus test to see how many laptop potatoes (formerly couch potatoes) are out there. get ready to pull out your pH test strips... can you name 3 celebrities in previous blog posts? not sure if i can, but this isn't about me... it's about YOU! bonus points if you know the significance of the actor above.

Senin, 29 Agustus 2011

House vs. Shop

does anyone know the differences between a coffeehouse and a coffee shop? in america the line gets blurred alot. webster's defines one as a "small restaurant" and the other as "an informal club for regular customers."

Jumat, 26 Agustus 2011

Give it Up For Bob Jenkins!

bob jenkins has played regularly at homer's coffeehouse for almost 10 years. tonight he is returning with his singer/songwriter living room sound at 7:30... will you be there?

Rabu, 24 Agustus 2011

Yesterday's Answer...

the answer to yesterday's question: johann sebastian bach. apparently the famous composer suffered from an illness that would turn him into a goat if he didn't have enough caffeine in his system. this condition still plagues society today-- i've seen it in the customers who go too long between visits to homer's. would i lie to you?

Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011

Senin, 22 Agustus 2011

Nostalgic Monday

the days are getting a little shorter as we get closer to labor day and the (unofficial) end of summer. up until last year i could see the neon lit white haven sign at the end of my shift after the sun went down. the photographer that took this pic must have had the same warm feelings about the old motor lodge as i did. if you look close enough, you can see the homer's sign in the background.

Jumat, 19 Agustus 2011

The Old Neighbor

i've heard alot of stories about this place that used to be where mi ranchito is now (next to homer's). countless customers that are longtime overland park residents ask me if i remember john francis, but they never mention "chicken in the rough." does anyone know what that was supposed to mean, besides a chicken who can't golf?

Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011

Brain Candy

i heard a cool story about coffee stains on NPR yesterday. hmmm, coffee stains... seems like there should be a band with that name; it would have to have a front man (or a front woman). maybe something like carol and the coffee stains! anyway, back to the NPR story, if you like it you can stream it or download it from the website. you're welcome.

Rabu, 17 Agustus 2011

Misguided Facts

i just discovered trollquotes. it's one of those things you find when you're surfing or talking to a friend who doesn't get out much. when you put 3 facts together that don't quite line up, it makes you think harder to figure out the truth. i found the pic above on a zazzle coffee mug. can you work out the misconceptions?

Minggu, 14 Agustus 2011

Closing Shift

the closing shift at homer's is usually covered by somebody that's not me... but last night i helped out. i have a huge amount of respect for the staff that closes regularly at homer's. there are alot of things that need to happen before all the lights go out and the doors are locked. and they do it every night.

Jumat, 12 Agustus 2011


i used to watch too much tv according to my parents. sometimes they say that the tv was my babysitter when they weren't around. so it goes to figure that i have a LOT of old tv trivia bouncing around in my head. barney miller was a show about cops in the '70s. jack soo (pictured above) was a regular cast member. do you know the link between coffee and nick yemana (his character on the show)?

Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011

Clara, Bob, and Michael

clara rockmore, robert moog, and michael una are three names synonymous with an instrument called the theremin. rockmore played it, moog built it, and una did both. why am i even mentioning the subject on this blog you might ask? i bought one from michael una on monday and i found an old video where rockmore's family and robert moog are discussing the theremin over... what else? coffee.

Senin, 08 Agustus 2011

Coffee Art

probably will make more espresso drinks today since the sun isn't blazing as i write this. when it comes to coffee art though, i tend to be conceptual and ask questions like "what do YOU think it looks like?"

Jumat, 05 Agustus 2011

Broken English

recently i bought a book. it is full of messed up english translations. a japanese coffee label states: "black coffee has great features which other coffees have never had: non-sugar." the truth is in there somewhere. by the way, can you find the connection between the picture above and today's blog entry?

Selasa, 02 Agustus 2011

Budding Young Artist

a really cool thing happened today. a regular customer (jamie) brought his 10-year-old niece to homer's. after jamie and jordan ordered their drinks, jordan drew a picture for kelly and me. i told her (jordan) that i would post it on the blog... then she drew 6 more! the pic above is the first one that she drew, i'll post more later. thanks again jordan!

Just Another Tuesday

the answer to yesterday's question was: the world trade center bombing. don't know the question? scroll down. and despite the fact that temperatures have been extremely high, some of our customers are still consuming hot drinks. it's just another day in paradise.

Senin, 01 Agustus 2011


today is a birthday for mtv and my cousin warren. one is 30 years old... and the other is not. last night i re-created the moment when music became visual. speaking of birthdays, homer's has one coming up REAL soon (next month). the day the doors opened, we didn't know who would walk through them. 10 years ago, september 26 started a neighborhood coffeehouse era that doesn't show signs of slowing down. homer's was originally scheduled to open sooner that month, but a world changing event took place that year, and delayed the opening. do you know what it was?