Selasa, 31 Mei 2011
Read His Lips

Senin, 30 Mei 2011
And the Winner Is... Liam!

Do You Remember?

Remember Me by various artists
Jumat, 27 Mei 2011
The Other TGIF

Kamis, 26 Mei 2011
Ten Year Anniversary
Rabu, 25 Mei 2011
Three Cheers for Ben!

Mystery Band

mystery coffee band by ???
Selasa, 24 Mei 2011
Congratulations Drew!

Factoid for Free

Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011
Who Covered The Big O?
Jumat, 20 Mei 2011
Congrats Nicole and Robert!

Rainy Day Coffee Quotes

a)"I don't know how people live without coffee, I really don't."
b)"I never drink coffee at lunch. I find it keeps me awake for the afternoon."
c) "I put instant coffee in a microwave and almost went back in time"
if you're the first customer to match up steven wright, martha quinn, and ronald reagan with the right quotes and tell a barista, you get a free drink today! all other customers who know facts about any of these celebs get double drink card punches.
Kamis, 19 Mei 2011
What's That Sound?

sounds by david cedillo jr
Rabu, 18 Mei 2011
The Doot Doot Doo Doo Girl

guess by ???
Selasa, 17 Mei 2011
Me & Grayson in the Morning

Senin, 16 Mei 2011
More Coffee Trivia

Minggu, 15 Mei 2011
300 Years of Coffee

Jumat, 13 Mei 2011
What Happened to the Blog?

Kamis, 12 Mei 2011
There's No Place Like Homer's

there's no place like homers by the wiz
Rabu, 11 Mei 2011
How Many Cups Per Fin?

Senin, 09 Mei 2011
Afternoons & Coffeespoons
ross polete gave me the 'heads up' on this song from 1994. does anyone recognize it? does anyone know ANOTHER song this group sang 20 years ago about the isolation and commitment of a legendary comic book hero? if you're the first person (after 8:30) to identify that song (or its subject matter) you get a drink on the house! double drink card punches for everyone else who reads the blog.
Jumat, 06 Mei 2011
The Zoomies
rob told me recently that when pets are racing around the house like they want you to chase them, there's a name for that: the zoomies. i looked it up, and he's right. i can't believe humans haven't borrowed this word for drinking too much coffee. we just get the shakes. i can just imagine a conversation between the pet's owner and a neighbor:
neighbor: what's with your dog?
owner: oh, she's ok... it's just the zoomies
Kamis, 05 Mei 2011
Cinco de Mayo

Rabu, 04 Mei 2011
That First Cup

Selasa, 03 Mei 2011
Who Drinks 40 Cups of Coffee?

40 cups of coffee by ???
Senin, 02 Mei 2011
Way to Go Jennifer!

Cowboy Coffee

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