Sabtu, 29 Januari 2011

Does Not Compute

i'm glad glenn posted something. i haven't been able to get to a computer lately... i'm typing this at the library 'cause my computer is down until next week. being without the internet makes me feel like i've gone back in time. the fact that i recently purchased 18 hours of old music videos just intensifies it. i'm trying to remember what i did before i had the world at my fingertips.

Jumat, 21 Januari 2011


I love a good snow day. Love it. Something about it makes me feel alive. Even though we have to shovel snow and mop the floor 5 times a day, its worth it to me.

There's something about walking into a warm building after being in the cold that is just about one of the most rewarding feelings known to modern man.

Enjoy the snow.

Rabu, 12 Januari 2011

El Paso

marty robbins (above) wrote a song over 50 years ago called el paso. it was a hit. AM radio stations were still playing it in the 1970s when my family would drive across the desert once a year to visit relatives in missouri and oklahoma. we heard this song so many times we could sing it by heart, and we often did... usually about the time we hit albuquerque. my dad lives in el paso now, and i'm flying out to see him tomorrow (just in case anybody is wondering where i am). i'll bring some sand back from the desert on monday, and you can tell me what happened at homer's while i was gone.

Selasa, 04 Januari 2011


as i was walking to work this morning (around 5:52am) i was listening to yoshimi battles the pink robots part one by the flaming lips on my mp3 player. despite the title, it's a mellow tune... and it's easy to walk to. sometimes i imagine that certain music is a soundtrack to my life, and this morning it was. the flaming lips' song is about a girl who has a black belt in karate, and she has to discipline her body to fight evil robots. as the song played on my mp3 player i walked by a class of women punching air, doing squats, and working out in their pilates class. if there is a threat of evil robots before sunrise, these women will be ready.

Senin, 03 Januari 2011

Beware of the Milky Pirate

i don't know if the ripe bananas at homer's made me remember this video... but something triggered it. welcome to 2011.